Note: An unlinked (button) means content for that journey (alias exchange) is not yet available for browsing. Our outbound journeys:
- 2016: Kaohsiung, Taiwan & Koriyama, Japan
- 2015: Comitan, Mexico; Detroit, USA; Brandon, Canada
- 2014: No Journeys
- 2013: Salvador & Belo Horizonte, Brazil
- 2012: Taupo, South Taranaki and Neslon, New Zealand
- 2010: Ames, Iowa U.S and Ottawa, Canada
- 2007: Wisconsin and Minn-Twin Cities, USA and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- 2004: Norderstedt, Germany and Cleveland County, UK
- 2003: Hamilton, Malborough and Napier, New Zealand
- 2002: Mie/Fukuoka, Japan
- 2001: Dayton, National Capital Area, Colonial Carolina, and Charleston