Our outbound journeys:
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- 2019: Domestic North Moreton
- 2019: Trujillo, Peru, Mexico City, Mexico, Greater Orlando, USA
- 2018: Domestic - Salisbury
- 2018: Malang Indonesia, Vietnam, Liuzhou China
- 2018: National Conference, Hobart
- 2017: Riga Latvia, Leuven Belgium and County Durham
- 2017: Domestic - Mount Gambier
- 2017: Ottawa and Winnipeg, Canada and Dallas, USA
- 2016: Belem, Curitibita and Piraciciaba, Brazil
- 2016: Southland-Invercargill; Napier, Hawkesbay; Western Bay of Plenty, New Zealand
- 2015: Bundaberg, Queansland
- 2015: Kaohsiung and Hsinchu, Taiwan
- 2014: Nuremberg and Metropole Ruhr, Germany
- 2014: Casterton Domestic
- 2013: Nagasaki and Fukuoka, Japan
- 2013: Domestic to Cairns
- 2012: USA and Canada Combined Diaries
- 2012: USA and Canada
- 2011: Domestic - Perth
- 2011: Alajuela, Liberia, Costa Rica
- 2010: Alabama, Georgia, Florida USA
- 2010: USA Friendship Force Clubs
- 2007: Moscow, Russia and Tashkent, Uzbekistan
- 2006: Nagasaki, Koriyama and Sapporo, Japan
- 2005: Bratisiava, Slovakia, Hamburg, Germany and Devon, UK