The Friendship Force of Sydney has 40 members and host 15 Ambassadors each journey. Our club members usually enjoy one outbound international journey per year, and usually accept two inbound journeys per year.
Our club members enjoy experiencing wonderful cultural interaction with people from around the world.
International Journeys
- Outbound Journey — We enjoy one journey per year with two or more International destinations.
- Inbound Journeys — We host at least two International Journeys per year for up to 7 days.
Domestic Journeys
- Outbound Journey — We enjoy one journey per year with another Australian club.
- Inbound Journeys — We host one Australian club per year.
In addition to the normal Journey fees, Friendship Force Sydney can arrange a private coach from and to the Sydney International Airport at a total cost of approximately AU$60 return per ambassador.
We offer a flexible program of Nature, History and Culture which takes in the City of Sydney sites and beyond the city limits. This may include ferry rides on Sydney Harbour, Darling Harbour, Opera House, Sydney Harbour Bridge, Beaches, National Parks, Wildlife Centres and possibly the Blue Mountains.
We invite you into our homes for an intimate, life changing experience and ask you to immerse yourself in our local culture.
This journey to Sydney could transcend boundaries to promote goodwill, respect, and understanding. The personal relationships established are a powerful and authentic way to impact positive change and empathy around the world. Enter as a stranger leave as a friend.