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2016 australia day

Today we had the priveledge of sharing in the Australia Day citizenship ceremony held at Achendarroch, Mt Barker with Mayor Ann Furguson capably officiating.

Prior to the ceremony, invincible Dorinda Hafner, spoke , beaming out inspiring and encouraging words that took the attention of all as she exhortied all to not look beyond the outward appearance of differnt peoples and to look to what is inside of each person, treating every person with respect & dignity.
Firstly a Certificate of Service to the Community awards were presented to individual people whose eagerness as ordinary voluteers has made a coniderable diffence in their local areas where they live.

Mayor Ferguson then went on to perform the Citizenship ceremony which has both personal and legal dimensions. Each person, young and old, came forward to make the Pledge of Commitment as the final step in becoming an Australian citizen. They came as individuals and as families, each receiving their certificate of Australian Citizenship. All were applauded enthusiastically as they left the stage.

A good place to meet people from our own districts.