Newcastle Friendship Force Club was formed in April 1987 with approximately twenty members. Today we are the largest Friendship Force Club operating in Australia, with several of our original members still active. Our members, who live throughout the Newcastle and Lake Macquarie region, are of diverse backgrounds and professions. They have many interests, talents and lots of enthusiasm. Primarily, we are adventurers who enjoy travelling to new places around the world and forging new friendships.
The club meets at 7.30pm on the 2nd Thursday of the even months. Our meeting venue is:
Club Macquarie
458 Lake Rd,
Argenton NSW 2284
Many members enjoy a meal prior to the meeting. We are a very friendly club with at least one social activity being organised each month throughout the year.
Getting Here
Newcastle is 160kms north of Sydney and can be reached by:
Newcastle is accessible from the following major Highways: M1, Pacific Highway, New England Highway and the Golden Highway. For driving directions to Newcastle visit whereis.com. For the latest road and traffic conditions go to; roads-waterways.transport.nsw.gov.au or phone 13 27 01.
Newcastle is part of the New South Wales City Rail network. There are frequent return services daily from Sydney. For timetables and fares visit; transportnsw.info or call 13 22 32.
NSW Trainlink regional rail and coach services, connect Newcastle via Broadmeadow station to Melbourne, Brisbane, Canberra, and other NSW country centres. For timetables, fares, and online bookings, visit; transportnsw.info/regional or call 13 22 32
Newcastle Airport is located 30 minutes from Newcastle City Centre with direct flights to & from Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Canberra, Cairns, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Auckland (NZ), and various other NSW destinations. For the latest flight information go to; newcastleairport.com.au or phone (02) 49289800.
Newcastle is serviced by coach companies throughout Australia with regular connections to and from various locations. For further information visit the Greyhound website at greyhound.com.au.
What We Do?
- We visit other Australian and Overseas clubs on “Journeys” (formerly Exchanges) as “Ambassadors” and stay in the homes of other Friendship Force members. We participate in their day-to-day lifestyles and attend specially arranged and planned Friendship Force activities.
- We host Australian and Overseas “Ambassadors” in our homes, usually for one week. We share our lifestyles, visit local sights, and attend specially arranged and planned Friendship Force activities.
- Members who are unable to home host for a week, can still become involved by participating in the specially arranged and planned Friendship Force activities, provided for our visitors.
- We attend Friendship Force festivals and conferences all over the world.
We make friends at home and abroad.