President Don and Norm holding up our banner, were a welcome sight for the ambassadors. This marked the start of a very busy and enjoyable week.
First there was the welcome. We gathered at a room off Boston Street. Here, drinks and savouries were offered, allowing our guests time to mingle and get to know their hosts. President Don officially welcomed our visitors and each ambassador was introduced by their host. This was followed by dinner - a variety of hot dishes and desserts cooked by our members. It was then time for the hosts to take their guests home.
The program for the week included a bus trip to Paradise Bed and Barra, Snakes Down Under, Palace Hotel Museum and the Old Pharmacy in Childers and the Flying High Bird Sanctuary at Apple Tree Creek.
At their own expense, 8 members flew to Lady Elliott Island for a day trip. The following day, all ambassadors and 10 Bundaberg members plus 4 members of FF Taupo, New Zealand enjoyed the Lark experience, having dinner on the way home at the Avondale Tavern. Other activities attended - Mayoral reception, hot soup lunch at the Baldwin Reserve, visit to the Hinkler Aviation Centre and lunch at Cafe 1928.