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murray bridge 014-w100This domestic exchange was certainly a very full-on exchange with the FF members of Murray Bridge.

Murray Bridge/ Western Bay of Plenty
8th November to 15th November 2011

This was certainly a very full-on exchange.

It started with a welcome dinner provided by the FF Murray Bridge Club. 68 people attended.

On the Wednesday, after the Mayoral Reception and Morning tea, a tree planting ceremony was conducted for the incoming NZ Ambassadors.

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A little different was the visit to the Salvage & Save recycling depot followed by a more traditional museum. We were dinner hosted that evening.

murray bridge 017-w400

The next day saw a visit to a Court House Museum at Wellington then to the Big Olive at Tailem Bend and on to lunch at a member's house. That was followed by a session at a private Picture Theatre for a film, cartoons and afternoon tea.

Friday morning called for a visit to Mypolonga Primary School which has a School Shop. It is a business run by the Senior Students and they sell crafts on consignment as well as goods produced by the students. This little venture is an enterprise that has a turn-over of approx $15000.00 per year and profit of approx $6000.00 per year. The Lemonade they make and sell for 50c a glass was just great. As it was the 11th November, we had a Remembrance Day ceremony and observed a minute's silence. After lunch we boarded the Jester Cruise Boat for a trip down the river.

It was good to relax by ourselves on Saturday because on Sunday, there was a BBQ in the park at Strathalbyn watching the local Lions Club having a Duck Race down the creek. The water was not running very fast so the 2500 or so little plastic ducks were pushed along by an air propelled swamp boat. Surprisingly only two didn't finish. Some nearby old wares shops were also popular.

Monday was also a free day, but that evening it was time for a Farewell Dinner at the local golf club. We stayed another night but the NZ FF were leaving early the next day. A smaller dinner with just the Murray Bridge folk was enjoyed that night and the following morning we were on way back to Old Sydney Town.

ED: Bill Marshman