brisbane horiz web-w180

Our Executive Team

  • Dennis Mclean

    Dennis McLean

  • vignette diane gill

    Vice President
    June Jefferd

  • vignette diane gill

    Diane Gill

  • vignette lexier jeffery

    Lexier Jeffery

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Membership Officer
Marianne Alderdice


New members are always welcome.

Meetings are held bimonthly.

Annual Membership Fees are due on the 1st January of each year.

Administration and hosting fees and charges applying if and when travel is undertaken.

Social gatherings are arranged between meetings and a very interesting newsletter is published 6 times per year. We also have an active social calendar, including regular get-togethers at venues around Brisbane.

There is always a welcome and farewell dinner as well as neighbourhood 'Pot Luck' or group dinners. These dinners give opportunities to meet other non hosting members.

Normal costs apply for any social functions in which you choose to take part.

The following members were appointed to the following positions:

Newsletter Editor Neville Grace
Membership Officer Marianne Alderdice
Social Activities
Charmaine Roney
Committee Member Ruth Southgate