On Monday 21st March 2011, 12 hosts waited at The Alex Johnston Park for members of the Adelaide Club to bring our Ambassadors from Lake Hartwell. It was a miserable rainy day and we were forced to take shelter on the veranda of a closed Chinese Restaurant. Typical of Friendship Force members we made the most of it and actually enjoyed our simple lunch out of the rain. We even sang happy birthday to Adelaide Club E.D., Pat Ellis. Bad weather but a great start to our journey.
On Monday night we had a welcome "Pot Luck" Tea at the magnificent home of Neville and Marie Mueller, where our guests were introduced to Club members. The weeks' events were mostly in cold, windy and rainy weather, but we did have fun.
On Tuesday we had the traditional Morning tea hosted by Mayor Alan Arbon, followed by a tree planting ceremony at Christian Reserve.
Wednesday morning we all took the country drive to the home of our hard working President Lorraine Williss for a sumptuous morning tea prepared by Lorraine, helped by her mother. Graham demonstrated shearing a sheep, and for a while we all thought that the sheep might win! From there we all headed to the Bagshaws home where Brian and Lorraine cooked us a feast of Coorong Mullet accompanied by lovely salads and desserts made by Marilyn Pope.
Thursday was a "Flexible Day" and most hosts took their guests on a tour of the district.
Friday we toured Mypolonga School, which turned out to be one of the highlights of the journey. At 1pm we all clambered aboard the Captain Proud for a 3 hour tour on the Murray River. The trip included a two course meal, and we were entertained by the President of the Charles Sturt Museum, Arthur Jeeves, on the exploits of Charles Sturt.
On Saturday we all visited the Round House for a Devonshire afternoon tea and talk by local historian Peter Harden. Saturday night we all gathered at the home of Elizabeth and Leon for a raucous Quiz night organised and run by Marilyn Pope. Being a cool night we finished off the night with a large sample of Ray Symes' Port, a top night!
Before we knew it the weeks activities were over, and we were farewelling our guests at the Riverside Hotel in Tailem Bend. Most would agree that the singing was quite average!!
Considering the bad weather, we all had a good time and made lasting new friends, which is what the Friendship Force is all about.